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Java Programming about File
Applet programming for MouseEvent, MouseMotionEvent, ActionEvent, and Layout
JFrame programming for MouseEvent, MouseMotionEvent, ActionEvent and Layout .
Java Programming about File
Applet programming for MouseEvent, MouseMotionEvent, ActionEvent, and Layout
JFrame programming for MouseEvent, MouseMotionEvent, ActionEvent and Layout .
Si No | Title of Java program | Source Code | Instruction | Input-Output |
1 | Write a java application that reads a number from the keyboard and check that it is Prime or not. | |||
2 | Write a java application that calculate the area of class triangle & circle | |||
3 | Create a class Rectangle.The class has attributes length and width,each of which defaults to 1.It has methods that calculate the premiter and the area of the rectangle.It has set and get methods for both length and width.The set method should verify that length and width are each floating-point numbers larger than 0.0 and less than 20.0 . | |||
4 | Create a class Hugeinteger which uses 40-element array of digits to store integers as large as 40 digits each.Provide methods inputHugeInteger, outputHugeInteger, addHugeIntegers, and subtractHugeIntegers. For comparing HugeInteger objects, provide methods isEqualTo, isNotEqualTo, isGreaterThan, isLessThan, isGreaterThanOrEqualTo , and isLessThanOrEqualTo-each of these is a "predicate" method that simply returns true if the relationship holds beteen two HugeIntegers and returns false if the relationship does not hold. Provide a predicate method isZero. If you feel ambitious, also provide the method multiplyHugeIntegers, the method divideHugeIntegers and the method moduleHugeIntegers. | |||
5 | Create an application program that consists of 2 classes ,a "startup class" and a second class that prints out the values of atleast 3 instance varibles that are initialized in one method and printed from another .The initialization method should have two forms.One of them will have no arguments and other 3 arguments corresponding to the data types of the 3 instance variables. The second class should also contain a "class vriable" of one of the 8 primitive data types (you choos). Create 2 instances of the second class. Using one instances, set the class variable to some value and, using the second instance, print that value out. Also using either or both of the 2 instances, call the methods that set and print the 3 instance variables. | |||
6 | Create an application that is composed of at least 2 classes in addition to the startup class.One of the classes is to be a subclass derived from the other. The subclass is to have at least 3 constractors which will be called during the creation of 3 subclass objects.In the example shown, the subclass student has a default constractor, a constractor with one string argument, and a constractor with a string argument giving the student's name and integer argument giving an ID number. | |||
7 | Create a Date class with the following capabilities: a). Output the date in multiple formats such as MM/DD/YYYY June 14,1992 DDD YYYY b). Use the overload constractors to create Date objects initialized with dates of the formate( in part a). | |||
8 | Write an inheritance hierarchy for classes Quadrilateral, Trapezoidal, Parallogram, Rectangle and Square.Use Quadrilateral as the superclass of the hierarchy. Make the hierarchy as deep (i.e., as many levels) as possible.The private data of Quadrilateral should include the (x,y) co-ordinate pairs for the four end points of the Quadrilateral. Write a driver program that instantiates and displays object of each of these classes. | Input-Output | ||
9 | Write a pragram that draws eight concentric circles. The circles should be separated by 10 pixels. Use the drawOval method of class Graphics. | |||
10 | Write a program that draws eight concentric circles The circles should be separated by 10 pixels.Use the drawArc method of class Graphics. | |||
11 | Write a program that draws lines of random length in random colors, Eight concentric circles. The circles should be seprated by 10 pixels. Use the drawOval method of class Graphics. | |||
12 | Write a program that displays randomly generated triangles in different colors. Each triangle should be filled with a different colors. Use GeneralPath andl method fill of class Graphics2D to draw triangles. | |||
13 | Write a program that randomly draws characters in different font, sizes and colors. | |||
14 | Write a program that draws an 8-by-8 grid. Use draw Line method. | |||
15 | Write a program that draws an 10-by-10 grid. Use drawRect method. | |||
16 | Write a program that draws a cube .Use class GeneralPath and method draw of class Graphics2D. | |||
17 | Write a application that simulates a screen saver. The application should randomly draw lines using method drawLine of class Graphics. After drawing 100 lines, the application should clear itself and start drawing lines again. To allow the program to draw continuously, place a call to repaint as the last line in method paint. | Input-Output | ||
18 | Write a program that performs the basic two mathematical operations addition and subtraction using Layout manager. | |||
19 | Write a program that places some buttons in a specific manner using Layout manager. | |||
20 | Write a program that performs the basic mathematical operations (+, - , *, /) as Calculator using Layout manager. | |||
21 | Write an application consisting of three threads including main thread in java. The other two thread name is Odd & Even respectively.The main thread reads & generates a set of rndom numbers & distinguish them as odd & even groups. The odd data & even data will be intermixing way by Odd & Even thread. Odd thread makes its work execute while Even thread goes on passing mode & vice-versa. | |||
22 | Write a Thread program in which producer will produce 5 characters from a character array & receiver will receive them without missing any character. The character will be produced & received one by one. | |||
23 | Student information using JDBC. | Input-Output | ||
24 | JDBC in Network programming. | Input-Output | ||
25 | Write a program that reads a group number from a file and shorts the numbers in ascending order and writes the numbers into another file. | Input-Output | ||
26 | write a networking program in which a Server can involve more than one clients. | Input-Output | ||
27 | Write a networking program where a Server can access multiple Client & each Client can delete, find, incert, & display the recodes from a mentioned database through the Server. | Input-Output |